Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What I Ate Today

Today was day 1 of the 21 Day Challenge.  I was dreading it because my goal was to only have one cup of coffee and be finished with it by 9am. Lately, I've been drinking one cup with breakfast and then putting the leftover on ice and sipping it all morning!  I hope to wean off completely again at some point, but at 45 years old and 5 kids 12 and under, surviving my day on just one cup would be a huge accomplishment!

Breakfast-3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon and 1 cup of coffee (I was hungry!)
Lunch-Artisan Salad at JD's Coffee House, water
Snack-big handful of salted almonds and dried apples
Dinner-baked pesto chicken with parmesan cheese and steamed green beans with butter

Today, whenever I had any sort of craving for sugar, I would grab a few almonds and drink a big glass of water and that seemed to take care of it.

2/16/13-Coffee Update:
I'm thrilled to report that I FINALLY broke free of my caffeine addiction!!  It was not an easy process. Quite frankly, I thought I might die because the headaches were so bad I thought I was surely having an aneurysm! But after about a week it was finally over.  I really never thought I would be able to start my day without caffeine but the high fat, low carb eating has stabilized my blood sugar and improved my energy levels tremendously.  And now that I'm not strung out on caffeine, I don't have to have a glass of wine to help me wind down in the evening.

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